Monday, February 7, 2011

Student Loans =0

My face after I knew how much I had to pay in student loans:

Hey Guys Hows it goin?

So I guess the worst part of graduating and joining the working world is the fact that you have to pay back your student loans ( unless you finance your education without loans or get a free ride). There some actions you can take in regards to your student loans that I wish I took while I was still in college. For example while still in college it would help a great deal if you worked or found a way to start paying of your loans before you graduate or wait for the 6 months grace period to end. If you start paying back your loans during or before the 6 months grace period after graduation the money you pay goes directly to the principle( the money you borrowed) and not the interest( what it costs you to borrow the money). Please don't do what I did and wait till the 6 months grace period to end to being thinking about or looking at your loans. Keep track of your loans and what you owe while your in you final semester. In that way you start planning to pay it off before the grace period ends and that will help you pay it off faster.

In addition, please find out what method will work best for you for repayment. Do Not be like me and think you can just pay it online without finding out for sure. If I did this I would not have to pay $7.50 for every money order or $30 for every wire transfer. In cases like this I think its better to be proactive than reactive so please stay on top of your loans don't think you can just run away from them because student loans will follow you the way Kim Kardashian follows black guys so do your best with them like I am.

Overall, student loans helped you make a big investment in yourself that you will reap for the rest of your career so you should be proud of your academic accomplishments. Congratulations!!