I got a big slap in the face today that made me realize something very important. It's so much easier to be negative than to be positive. When things haven't gone my way I have found it easy to be negative and get down on myself. Thats what most people do when things do turn out the way they wanted. But it takes more effort to say "This is not going to stop me". A person with a positive attitude would say something like that. Having a positive attitude is what will keep you going despite any set back you may face and it is one of the reasons that you will eventually succeed in life. Having a negative attitude really affects the way my day goes. For example if I have a made morning and something bad happens later in the day I'm like crap not another problem and when something else happens I say the same thing. That eventually just creates a negative cycle and its a waste of energy. Think back of any thing that you've done that has been a success and I am pretty sure you were optimistic or had a positive attitude about the potential outcome. No Guts No Glory. We have all heard that. It means you have to be willing to fight for what you want or believe and not let anything stop you. The only way I think you can do this is with a positive attitude. If you wanted to be get that dream job, become that famous singer , be a pro athlete, or to be successful in anything don't you think having a positive attitude increases your chance of success? Even if its by a little bit I think its does because speak with anyone you think is successful and I am certain that they will tell you that being positive and having a positive mindset is crucial. Being around positive people is way more pleasant than being around negative people. And if you think about it how would you rather live life would you have a positive attitude no matter what and do your best to be happy or would you rather have a negative attitude say life sucks and be depressed all the time. I don't know about you but I would go with the first one and be positive because no one really want to be around anyone that makes them feel down or makes them feel less of a person because thats just not cool. In addition, having a positive attitude can help you through the hard times that you face. Personally, I think you should focus on the things you can control and since you can control your attitude why not be positive. Wouldn't it be great to stay positive regardless of what happens so one day you can be able to say it wasn't easy but in the end I made it and it was worth it. Wouldn't it be great do be positive so that when you stay positive and do great things it inspires other people in your life to do the same. Wouldn't be great to..(you fill in the blank). If I haven't made my point that a positive attitude is a great thing to have just remember this point when making a decision about your attitude in life: POSITIVE THINGS HAPPEN TO POSITIVE PEOPLE